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ESP32 Small Robot Dog


ESP32로 개로봇을 만들 수가 있습니다.

하기 링크를 참고하시면 됩니다.


1. Demo guide

 => https://www.instructables.com/ESP32-Small-Robot-Dog/


ESP32 Small Robot Dog

ESP32 Small Robot Dog: ESP32 small robot dog is my attempt to make quadruped dog that become very popular after Boston Dynamics Spot. Work on the project still in progress and hardware and software can changed.Features Only ESP32 required (you don't need a



2. SW

   => https://github.com/SovGVD/esp32-robot-dog-code


3. HW

   => https://github.com/SovGVD/esp32-small-robot-dog-hardware


4. Thingiverse

   => https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4822059






